Dublin Docklands project underway
At a recent RCE Dublin meeting, Dr. Orla Lehane reported high levels of engagement in the Dublin Docklands project, an initiative spearheaded within the partnership of Fighting Words and RCE Dublin. The Dublin Docklands project advances on a previous RCE project entitled: Dublin in the Coming Times by continuing to recognise the centrality of storytelling in the lives of Dubliners. This project focuses on the often marginalised communities within the docklands, highlighting the manner in which daily life in this area, particularly working lives, has changed completely as Dublin city itself changes and evolves. Creative workshops were organised for retired dockworkers, and facilitated in such a way so as to allow for the documenting of their stories and experiences using a variety of methods: writing their stories, oral storytelling/histories, visual methods (both creating artwork and using existing images), and use of archival materials. Furthermore, intergenerational workshops were arranged to facilitate the exchange of ideas and experiences between retired dock workers and children in local schools. The work created in these workshops has been collated, and, through partnership with the Print Museum, will result in a publication and public exhibition in Autumn 2019.