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In March 2014, RCE Dublin was acknowledged by the United Nations University as a Regional Centre of Expertise in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) for the greater Dublin region. RCE Dublin is coordinated by Dublin City University (DCU) and its partnership includes Educate Together, An Taisce, Dublin City Council, Fighting Words, Exchange House Ireland and ECO-UNESCO. The Director of RCE Dublin is Dr. Charlotte Holland, and the centre is based within the DCU Institute of Education.

The main thrust of RCE Dublin is to enable citizens to learn how to live more sustainably, and through partnerships with public bodies, industry, NGOs and civil society, RCE Dublin implements creative educational initiatives on sustainability, and engages in frontier research on educating for sustainability here in Ireland and across the globe. RCE Dublin specifically supports the transition towards sustainable futures for all through:

the promotion of ethical frameworks of Education for Sustainable Development.

the deployment of innovative models of teaching, learning and assessment that further the infusion of sustainability in formal, non-formal and informal learning contexts.

researching and sharing good practices in ESD.

the promotion of ethical frameworks of Education for Sustainable Development.

the deployment of innovative models of teaching, learning and assessment that further the infusion of sustainability in formal, non-formal and informal learning contexts.

researching and sharing good practices in ESD.

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What We Do

RCE Dublin is basically a centre of expertise in researching, educating and innovating in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).


Researchers within RCE Dublin are actively researching new ways of changing attitudes and behaviours of learners, with a focus on enabling change agency for sustainability. In addition, researchers are continuously exploring new models for integrating sustainability into education, particularly in the higher education context, and innovating critical and disruptive pedagogies that enable learners at all levels to critically consider opportunities and challenges of sustainable development. Furthermore, the centre has a specific interest in the development of indicators for ESD in higher education, which will be used to assess the extent to which graduates have developed sustainability related competencies.


RCE Dublin offers advice and guidance on the integration of Education for Sustainable Development to educators in early childhood, primary, post-primary, further, adult and higher education settings. Furthermore, some sustainability themed modules are currently being developed through the partnership model of RCE Dublin, which will help support the integration of sustainability in curricula across different settings while also ensuring that the content responds to both local and global needs in sustainable development.


The remit of RCE Dublin extends beyond teacher education and learners within formal education settings, to groupings as unemployed youth, and the general public. In terms of the latter, RCE Dublin engages in creative interventions to reach out to youth and wider populations, and to inspire them to take action for sustainability. Some examples of this innovative work can be viewed on the Projects section of this website.