The Futures Studies: Envisioning and Realising Sustainable Futures for All project (2019-2023) is a new RCE Dublin initiative focused on exploring plausible, possible and desired futures with learners and citizens of all ages. This project will be underpinned by innovative and exciting methodologies honed by experts in the field of futures studies research. The project will progress through three key stages, as follows: 1) A series of vignettes of plausible (dystopian) futures will be constructed to illustrate what will happen if we continue to live in an unsustainable manner – these vignettes will be informed through data mining and analytical modelling of extant/ live data-sets (such as: socio-economic datasets, economic forecasting models, climate change models, etc.) and will be shaped through discourse with higher education colleagues from a range of disciplinary areas, 2) Learners and citizens across formal and non-formal learning contexts will be presented with the aforementioned vignettes of plausible futures, and will engage in discussion of alternate futures more aligned with the principles of sustainability, and, 3) The participants will be asked to back cast to the present, thus dialogue will be facilitated to ascertain how best the desired futures can be achieved- in other words how more sustainable forms of living and being can be enabled. This project specifically aligns with Sustainable Development (SDG) Goal 4: Quality Education, and furthermore raises awareness of key aims and objectives of the other 16 SDGs outlined within Agenda 2030. For more information, please contact Dr. Charlotte Holland by email on: